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Freedom of Speech or License to Incite/Kill?

I’m sure I can speak for most of us when I say I was sick to my stomach watching the footage of the so called despicable Goyim Defense League amble leisurely down the streets of Florida with leader Jon Minadeo shouting racist, antisemitic obscenities on megaphones.

To dedicate one’s life to hating and persecuting a minority is pretty low but what’s even more abhorrent is that these racists got away scot-free and so, emboldened, keep on doing it. This individual has done this sickening performance even outside the gates of Auschwitz

My nausea turned to anger pretty quickly, especially after seeing police patrol cars sitting just as leisurely on sidewalks, literally just observing these Nazis at work. First Amendment absurdity at its foolish finest. 

Emboldened by this lack of law enforcement, said Nazis proceeded to hurl insults and jeer at the cops, who eventually drove away. 

The cowardly pathetic Nazi bullies were still restless and actively seeking prey.

They thought they found it in a Rabbi, whom they accosted, blocking his car’s path, and when he attempted to drive round them, started accusing him of being a ‘neurotic Jew’ trying to run them over. 

Not satisfied with this gross display of gaslighting, the cretins turned to taunts of ‘filthy kikes’. 

I was reminded of school yard bullies watching this gruesome gang in action, all bravado and buzzcuts (and horrific dress sense).

Insecure, not very bright boys who simply look for an easy scapegoat to blame for their failures every time. The Jew.

“Kicked out of 109 countries.”
“F*cking kikes.”

And so on and so forth.

Not much has changed since the 30’s or even the 90’s when the American Front stalked the streets of Florida. 

The documentary Escape from Room 18 showcases the first-hand experience of John Daly, an ex Neo-Nazi. He says “The way these thugs recruit is they look for the loners, those on the fringe of society and what they do is, they take all failures in your life and say no it wasn’t a failure, it’s a conspiracy -and they build it up slowly but surely and strong enough that you really buy into it and then you’re like – I am at war and these people who are trying to do this to me, my culture, my family, my race need to be destroyed. You really feel like you’re doing something for the betterment of society, your race, because all ‘these people’ aka Jews want to do is destroy your race and bring your race down. And once you’ve got somebody like that, you’ve got a holy warrior, you’ve got a terrorist on your hands.”

But where do they suggest Jews go? Back to Israel.

But in the next breath, it’s “You Jews are killing Palestinian children.”

The racist little dance these Nazis play is not hard to figure out and almost laughable if it wasn’t so deadly. 

You see, every dog whistle, every slur is code for “This is why it is moral to murder them.”

All they care about ultimately is dead Jews. 

What’s scary is that this isn’t 1938. It’s 2023. We aren’t safe in the streets of ‘America the beautiful’ or ‘Great’ Britain. 

When people ask how did the Holocaust happen, show them this footage.

Time for Jews to carry if they can and if not, learn Krav Maga and secure their synagogues and premises. The cops have shown they aren’t going to protect us, not in the US or U.K, where those calling to rape and murder Jewish women are allowed to walk free. 

Kudos to the Rabbi they were trying to torment who, by ignoring their jibes showed himself to be the sterling human being he is, a direct contrast to the heinous beasts snarling at him. 

Definitely more controlled then I would have been, had I been there. 

Then, my heart sung along with the two young Jewish men with their arms wrapped defiantly round each other, singing in the face of the sneering, hateful, ‘Heil Hitler’s.’ 

The louder their chants got, the louder the voices of those Jews got. 

They didn’t silence them. They couldn’t. 

Oh how it irks these Nazis, how it keeps them up at night – to know Jews exist despite their efforts and that we will continue to exist forever and ever more. 

They will never silence us, or get rid of us.

Am Yisrael chai. The nation of Israel lives.

Our survival is our sweetest revenge.

About the author

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Naomi is a freelance writer and Jewish/Israel activist. Keep up with her on Instagram: @partisanprincess
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Naomi is a freelance writer and Jewish/Israel activist. Keep up with her on Instagram: @partisanprincess
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