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Some of the Palestinian Arab Terrorists Who Could Be Released Under Hostage Deal

Yesterday, the Israeli cabinet approved an agreement to secure the release by Hamas of roughly 50 Israeli hostages (women and children) in exchange for releasing 150 Palestinian male terrorists 18 and under, as well as female terrorists.

We also released a list of 300 palestinian Arab terrorists from whom the initial 150 will be selected, and the remainder of whom could be freed if further Israeli hostages are let go.

While it is true none of the terrorists slated to be released were involved in the murder of Israelis, this was not through want of trying.

Here is a sample of those* who could be released.

Israa Jaabis (37)

Tried to detonate a car bomb at a checkpoint, but only succeeding in causing a fire in her car, resulting in her sustaining serious burns on her face, hands, back and chest, and an amputated hand (but blamed all these injuries on prison service negligence)

Yasmin Shaaban (40)

Planned to disguise herself as a pregnant Jewish woman and detonate an explosive vest. She was arrested along with others planning to carry out terror attacks in Tel Aviv and other locations, including a shooting attack, planting an explosive charge on a military bus, and plotting to kidnap an IDF soldier.

Tahrir Abu Sariya (29)

Planned to commit a shooting attack against Israeli security forces, following the killing of a senior al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigade terrorist. She recruited two women before making contact with terror operatives, who helped them purchase weapons for the attack. The trio allegedly filmed themselves wearing Islamic Jihad headbands and declaring their intention to die.

Amani Hashim (38)

Rammed her car into an Israeli soldier at Qalandia checkpoint. She had penned a social media post bidding farewell to her friends and family prior to the attempted murder.

Fatima Amarna (44)

Attempted to stab a police officer in the old city of Jerusalem, and was only unsuccessful due to the officer’s protective vest. 

Shuruk Duwayyat

Convicted of attempted murder in Jerusalem’s Old City after stabbing two Jews, injuring one of them.

Asil Titi (24)

Stabbed a prison guard with scissors at Ramon Prison when visiting her brother, later admitting she did it “for the sake of Palestine and for the sake of my brother.”

Ibrahim Zamer (15)

Shot two Israelis with an improvised submachine gun from a passing vehicle as they were leaving the Tomb of Simeon the Just.

Muhammad Abu Katish (16)

Stuck a knife in the back of a young ultra-Orthodox man. Katish then fled to a soccer field in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood as dozens of young children were playing and holding soccer practice. He was shot after he turned around towards the officer brandishing his knife.

Bassel Abidiya (17)

Injured two people in Jerusalem’s old City using a cleaver.

*Thanks to Rachael Risby Raz for highlighting some of those on the list.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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