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Lucas Gage Visited By Homeland Security, Proceeds With Antisemitic Rant Without Pushback

Rabid Jew-hater Lucas Gage (aka Angelo John Gage) continues to spread hate against the Jewish people on Twitter/X, to an audience of over 265,000 followers.

Yesterday, he was paid a visit by Homeland Security, apparently because one or more Jewish people saw his rants and reported him to them.

Gage filmed the encounter and uploaded it. I watched it, and the footage is, quite frankly, disturbing.

Gage launches into an antisemitic rant in front of the Homeland Security agent, who although not outright agreeing with him, listens to him without really interrupting. She even seems sympathetic to what he is saying, and jokes around with him. What’s more, she makes out like she is more concerned about any of the (presumably Jewish) people threatening him online carrying out with the threats, rather than the obviously mentally disturbed Gage committing any acts of violence against the same people he rants against 24/7:

My issue with this encounter is not that they didn’t arrest him. It is the manner in which they almost validated his hateful views.

No doubt Gage is going to point to this very post and say “See! Another Jew trying to shut me up. Proves my point.”

Well, guess what, Lucas. You have freedom of speech but so do I. You rant against Jews 24/7 and I expose Jew-haters and push back against them. Not to shut you up, but not to allow your hate to go unopposed. Besides, I am genuinely worried you will one day do something incredibly stupid, despite your claims you oppose violence. You are clearly not stable. And even if one believes you would not harm a Jewish person, you have to know the hatred you are spreading – using (deliberately) incendiary language – is very likely to trigger at least one of your followers to take matters into their own hands. I truly hope I am wrong about this.

And for the record – since you claim no Jew has ever spoken out against the death threats you and your family have allegedly received – I will repeat what I have said in the past: I condemn anyone doing so. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Oh, and another thing. I know you were referring to me from 40:18, but you misled. I did not “turn on you” because I simply did not like what you posted. I pushed back against your return to disseminating vile antisemitism, like quoting Hitler approvingly.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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