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Jew-Hater Lucas Gage Extends My Rent-Free Lease In His Head

Jew-hater Lucas Gage – otherwise known as the fartist formerly known as Angelo John Gage – continues his descent into seeming madness, after briefly flirting with the idea of not being a huge, racist and antisemitic POS.

Not a day goes by without his unhinged rants against Jews, mostly on Twitter/X. Which doesn’t surprise me, given not just his seeming pathological hatred of Jews, but also the fact these rants have helped him acquire a relatively large following of more than a quarter of a million people. Alas, it seems to have gone to his already oversized head, and besides the ego massage, he is also trying to monetize his “fame” by flogging his book(s) – all while accusing Jews of chasing money (among other things).

Despite his popularity among his fellow scum and villainy, I am happy to discover that I still occupy his head rent-free – not because I am cheap, but rather because of the realization I have made his life uncomfortable!

You see, over three-and-a-half years ago, I exposed a chilling tweet of his:

No prizes for guessing who this, especially given his views on Jews and support for the notorious historical fabrication The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

What makes this even more chilling are his past rants about being prepared to die for what he believes in, which have been removed from YouTube following my posts on them (but some of it can still be seen here).

Note how his tweet is still up, and he still has a blue checkmark, despite calling for the murder of a group of people. Seems to be a thing.

When I shared my post on social media, I tagged the police department of his town, which apparently might have helped lead to them actually paying him a visit. As I wrote at the time:

While it seems the police have not done much, the very fact he is now on their radar is something. My intention in exposing the tweet was to try and prevent a potential disaster. If he was planning something, he might now think twice about it, now that he knows the police know about him.

Gage has since been visited even by Homeland Security, and although I have not tagged any law enforcement bodies or notified them about his disturbing rants since the above in 2020, he clearly still (at least partially) blames me for his predicament, as this recent tweet of his shows:

I have to chuckle. Despite the realization Gage is still butthurt over my posts, him trying to disparage my appearance is comedy gold.

Without meaning to sound arrogant, I look more Aryan than this short ugly boofhead (as do my beautiful children):

Yes, while accusing us Jews of looking “rat-faced” and/or “inbred-looking”, he is not exactly G-d’s gift – nor are many of the antisemites with whom he hangs and plots:

Don’t get me wrong – people’s appearances and their physical beauty or lack thereof are not what’s important. What’s important are your actions and what you do with your life, and it is here where Gage and company are truly ugly. But I cannot resist pointing out their hypocrisy and stupidity in attacking our physical appearance where we are way better looking than them.

Besides, I just know Gage is going to see this post, seethe, and allow me at least another month rent-free in his oversized noggin.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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