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Let’s Read Some Hate Mail

I don’t normally publish the hate mail I receive on a daily basis, but once in a while I will if it will be instructive but also the person has identified themself and I know if I publish a post about them, it will drive them crazy. So here we are.

Dear David Lange 

I stumbled across your defamation site of hatred and desperate efforts to play victim.  I  couldn’t believe what I was reading.  You studied law and yet you have been dobbing on people who pose absolutely no threat and have done zero harm to you. This is dirty. In Australia we would just call you a narc. A rabble rousing, trouble maker. Now here’s the thing. The Palestinian (Palestine born and raised) I met in Melbourne PRIOR to October 7 was keen to bring my attention to what was happening in Palestine. Mainly in the west bank, with the settler’s

When I made comments about Jews he was quick to correct me and teach me that Jews are not the problem.. it’s the Zionists that are the problem and that there is a big difference. He told me the Palestinian people do not hate Jews at all. 

The Palestinian people are not as far as I can see spreading anti semitism. It seems to be the Jewish people running around calling everyone who speaks for Palestine, anti Semites! I live in a fully Jewish area in Sydney. I wear a map of Palestine around my neck and a free Palestine jumper around the area and guess what, no says anything there’s no negativity towards me or vice versa. No Jewish schools or houses are being vandalised. All this anti semitism shit is just coming from people like yourself and only because you’re desperately trying to find some way to justify the absolute atrocities the Israelis have been and still are (times 40,000)  carrying out daily. The rest of the civilised world cannot fathom the horrors that the people that we had so much sympathy and compassion for, after The Holocaust, are inflicting on another group of humans, in the same exact vein as the Nazis. Shame on Israel 

You need to be cancelled. I don’t hear or see much from Jewish people but I saw your writings and if they are an insite into the Jewish community then you leave a bad impression my friend.  You are not representing Israel and Israeli people as very cool at all. Hateful trouble making, ignorant, narcy, victim playing, bad actors are the descriptors I would use after reading your hate speech. You did that to yourself.

I feel sorry for you and all the other self righteous Zionists like you but feel sincerely sorry for the proper Jews, who don’t choose to be there next you, on the wrong side of history.  Do you realise Israel will be forever more in the same place as Germany has been for the last 80 years?  So many people had no real thoughts on Israel or the Israeli people…until now and the light Israel is clearer and brighter than the harsh light of day. The Israeli flag will come to be as  abhorrent as the swastika. Are you even a little bit aware of this? 

I’m not against any religion, culture or race.  I am right to life, I believe children and women should be protected always and I believe all of us were created equally therefore I believe in absolute equality. However I AM anti-P O S. and you Sir seem to be a card carrying, flag waving POS and may God strike you down, burn your hands off and tear the tongue from your mouth, should it prevent you sharing your vile thoughts and leaking them into decent society. May all your children be put through whatever it is you support for the Palestinians. May you find out how it feels to be a father in present day Gaza.

Stay away from the Australians. Leave our Jewish and  Palestinian Australians out of your rhetoric. It’s nothing but hate speech from a spoilt, ill informed, ignoramus and Aussies hate loud mouthed, inbred Narcs almost as much as we hate keyboard warriors and men who act like bitches

And you sir are nothing but a bitch. 

Yours truly 

FREEDOM LOVING PALESTINE SUPPORTING (because only a fuckwit wouldn’t support Palestine) Aussie 

Helen Kessler Iskandar (try getting your head around that one)

Dear Helen Kessler Iskandar,

Thank you for your email, which has encouraged me to write this response and publish it on my website.

You write that my site is a “defamation site of hatred.” Please try proving any defamation. If I have an opinion, I explain why. And if I state anything as fact, I provide the receipts. Feel free to trying suing me for defamation like all the others who tried and gave up when they realized they not only don’t have a case, but I don’t take frivolous legal threats lying down and am not averse to countersuing.

You write that I “dob” on people who pose absolutely no threat and have done zero harm to you. Well, if by dobbing, you mean I expose what they have already usually posted on their own social media channels or is otherwise covered in the mainstream media news or in the public domain, then yes, I write about it. And support of terrorism most definitely poses a threat to not just me but my fellow Jews. As does antisemitism, which most of the people I write about also disseminate.

You write that “The Palestinian people are not as far as I can see spreading anti semitism. It seems to be the Jewish people running around calling everyone who speaks for Palestine, anti Semites!” May I venture to say that you are not the judge of what is and what isn’t antisemitic, and speaking over a Jew like me on this topic is not a good look. Neither is comparing us to the Nazis like you did, which is antisemitic.

At least you admit that you live in a fully Jewish area of Sydney and can walk around freely with “a map of Palestine around [your] neck and a free Palestine jumper around the area.” I promise you that a proud Jew walking around certain areas of Sydney with an Israeli flag or even a “bring them home” hostage pendant would not be so lucky.

To claim “No Jewish schools or houses are being vandalised” and there is no antisemitism is a ridiculous statement. Read the news instead of writing hate mail to strangers.

You write “I’m not against any religion, culture or race.  I am right to life, I believe children and women should be protected always and I believe all of us were created equally therefore I believe in absolute equality.” Did you speak out after the Hamas atrocities of October 7. Of course you didn’t. Sit down. You are selective in your outrage, directed against the world’s only Jewish state. Again, not a good look.

When you write that I “need to be cancelled”, you reveal just how tolerant you are. Then again, it is pretty tame compared to your “may God strike you down, burn your hands off and tear the tongue from your mouth, should it prevent you sharing your vile thoughts and leaking them into decent society.” Clearly you are not for freedom of speech. If only you held such strong views against the likes of Hamas.



P.S Forget your name, what I truly can’t “get my head around” is you calling me inbred while demonstrating the spelling acumen of a five-year-old.

About the author

Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
Picture of David Lange

David Lange

A law school graduate, David Lange transitioned from work in the oil and hi-tech industries into fulltime Israel advocacy. He is a respected commentator and Middle East analyst who has often been cited by the mainstream media
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